FOP Lodge #70
FOP Lodge #70

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Contract Downloads

You can download the current Contracts by clicking on the links below:

Order By: [Name] [Date] - [Descendant]

2022 - 2024 Referral Bonus Side Letter (0.32 MB)
The Department will award a bonus of one thousand dollars ($1000.00) to any sworn or civilian employee who formally refers an individual for employment for the position of Police Officer or Police Communications Operator I/II
FOP Contractual Agreement July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024 (2.99 MB)
FOP Contractual Agreement July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
FOP Contractual Agreement July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025 (2.94 MB)
The Final Copy of this year's contract.
FY 2021 Side Letter - Comp, Body Cameras, AVL (0.61 MB)
Comp Time, Cell Phones, AVL, GPS, & Body Cameras
FY 2022 MPAA/LEOBR Side Letter (0.21 MB)
Letter accepting transition to the MPAA policies and procedures for our police department.
FY 2022 Juneteenth Holiday Side Letter (0.42 MB)
Subject to the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) dated July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 between Anne Arundel County (“County”) and the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #70 (“FOP”). This Letter of Understanding provides an additional day of annual leave for FY 2022 to reflect the adoption of Juneteenth as a County holiday.
FY 2022 LEOBR Side Letter (0.22 MB)
Extending 18.3 of the contract and the LEOBR provisions until such time as the Administrative Charging Committee is appointed, designated, and trained.
FY 2024 Side Letter - DROP & Purchased time (0.06 MB)
Side letter to memorialize agreement on 7th year DROP, removal of DROP penalty, and purchase of time.
FY 2025 Refferal Bonus Side Letter (0.33 MB)
Refferal signing bonus side letterfor FY25.
FY2024 Side Letter on Sergeant Mentor Program (0.30 MB)
Agreement between the FOP and County regarding allowance for sergeants who are serving as mentors for newly promoted sergeants.

Last updated: Jun. 13, 2024

Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #70
1311 Generals Hwy
Crownsville, MD 21032

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